Customised Job Development: Part 2

Customised Job Development: Part 2
Thu 21 Sep 2023, 9:00am - 11:00am Online, via Zoom Inclusive and accessible communities
Learning and skills
Employment and volunteering
If you’re exploring employment, you’ll love this free, two-part webinar series about Job Development.

Join Milton Tyree (from Marc Gold & Associates) and Imagine More’s Julia Shumaker and Fiona McIntosh to learn about the crucial role of the Job Developer.

Part 1: Preparing for customised job development (14 September)
In this session, we’ll explore
*Foundation building
*Finding genuine support
*Gathering information and leads

Part 2: Preparing for customised job development (21 September)
In this session, we’ll explore
*Initiating conversations with employers
*Gaining employer perspectives

Choose to attend one or both of the workshops. Everyone who registers will have access to a replay after the event.

For more information visit the Imagine More events page.
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