Rebus Theatre - The Beauty Thief

Rebus Theatre - The Beauty Thief
Sat 27 Mar 2021, 2:00pm - 3:00pm Belconnen Community Theatre Inclusive and accessible communities
Canberra’s mixed ability theatre for social change company, Rebus Theatre, presents The Beauty Thief.

Devised by a cast of thespians of all abilities, The Beauty Thief is a reflection on the idea of beauty, and its relationship to worth and power. In the form of a traditional fairy tale, the story unfolds using minimal dialogue, relying on movement and music to tell the tale, with dance sequences performed by the CDTeens from Canberra Dance Theatre.

The Beauty Thief is funny, moving and thought-provoking.
The production includes original music by Marlene Radice, striking costumes by Victoria ‘Fi’ Hopkins, lighting design by Ali Clinch, and is directed by Robin Davidson and Sammy Moynihan.

While not a play specifically for children, people of all ages will enjoy it. Younger children may find some scenes scary. A water based mist (Haze) may be used for visual effect.

All dialogue in the play is also projected on a screen, so the performance is suitable for people who are hard of hearing or Deaf.

ACT Companion card accepted for support person accompanying people with disability. Please book one of our free tickets, and bring the card with you.

This project is funded by the National Disability Insurance Agency. Rebus Theatre is supported by the ACT Government, and Ainslie and Gorman Arts Centres.

Please contact Rebus if you need more information:
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