Forward To The Future - Finalist for the 2019 Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards

Wed 30 Oct 2019

Forward To The Future - Finalist for the 2019 Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards

Forward to the Future is a finalist for the Excellence in Inclusive Services and Disability Support award at the 2019 ACT Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards!

Forward to the Future (FTTF) is a family run organisation that supports the social inclusion of young people with a disability. Lorraine Barrett and her team are tirelessly committed to providing programs that enhance a young person’s social life.


FTTF aims to provide programs to meet the future needs of people on the Autism spectrum and with other disabilities and bridge the gap between non-inclusive and inclusive practices.

Supports are focused on helping participants develop social skills and strategies for improved social awareness and participation. This has led to many participants developing social opportunities that extend beyond the FTTF program.