COTA ACT’s new service for those navigating Aged Care pathways

Fri 12 Nov 2021

COTA ACT’s new service for those navigating Aged Care pathways

Council on the Ageing (COTA) is the peak organisation for all issues relating to older Canberra citizens and their families.

COTA's team of Aged Care Navigators can now provide one on one help to people who need assistance to better understand and use the aged care supports available to them. Appointments are offered by phone or in person at the COTA ACT offices in Hughes, as well as other locations across the ACT region.

Navigators will help you with a range of inquiries, including understanding what supports you can receive to help you remain safely in your own home, understand your options for residential aged care (if that is your preferred option), help you to register with My Aged Care, provide referrals and information about ACT services and help you find a local aged care provider.

Older people in the ACT and region who need additional assistance with aged care services and supports are all welcome to this free service, as are their friends and family members.

You can book a time with your Navigator by calling COTA ACT on 6282 3777 or emailing