Women’s Health Matters Survey

Wed 21 Apr 2021

Women’s Health Matters Survey

Have you or someone you know experienced sexual assault in the ACT? Women’s Health Matters need your input!

Women’s Health Matters wants to better understand women’s experiences seeking help in the ACT, and their views about the services and support that they received.


We understand that women seeking help following a sexual assault have diverse circumstances and needs, meaning that there is no single best response that will be suitable for all women. Rather, there needs to be a range of responses available.


The findings from this research will better help us understand the ways in which ACT women seek help following a sexual assault, the services and supports they access, as well as when and why they choose the to do it in such a way. We will use this research to advocate to improve respeonses in the ACT for women seeking help following a sexual assault.


The survey can be accessed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DPPSCVV.